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Announcing our latest Healthcare Analytics features. Learn more →

Democratizing AI-powered analytics for social impact

Acies Crest is a for-profit social enterprise dedicated to making next-generation data analytics tools accessible to address social challenges.

What we value and how we act

Every day, we make critical decisions that inform our ability to achieve our mission. Our values guide how we work together, the decisions we make, and ultimately how we show up for each other and work toward our mission.


Act for the global good

We strive to make decisions that maximize positive outcomes for humanity in the long run. This means we're willing to be very bold in the actions we take to ensure our technology is a robustly positive force for good.


Hold light and shade

AI has the potential to pose unprecedented risks to humanity if things go badly. It also has the potential to create unprecedented benefits for humanity if things go well. We need shade to understand and protect against the potential for bad outcomes. We need light to realize the good outcomes.


Be good to our users

At Acies Crest, we define "users" broadly. Users are our customers, policy-makers, partners, and anyone impacted by the technology we build or the actions we take. We cultivate generosity and kindness in all our interactions.


Ignite a race to the top on safety

As a safety-first company, we believe that building reliable, trustworthy, and secure systems is our collective responsibility - and the market agrees. We're committed to leading by example.

Meet Our Founder

Albert Okiri Olweny

Founder & CEO

At Acies Crest, we're committed to democratizing AI-powered analytics to drive positive social change. Our mission is to empower organizations with the tools they need to make data-driven decisions that benefit humanity.

Albert Okiri Olweny

The Team

We're a team of researchers, engineers, policy experts and operational leaders, with experience spanning a variety of disciplines, all working together to build reliable and understandable AI systems.

Healthcare Impact

Healthcare Impact

Our AI-powered healthcare analytics platform is helping medical facilities across Kenya improve patient care through better data management and insights. We've partnered with local hospitals to implement electronic health records systems that have significantly improved healthcare delivery.

Data Analytics for Development

Data Analytics for Development

We're working with organizations to leverage data science for social development. Our initiatives include predictive analytics for agricultural yield optimization and AI-powered tools for small business growth in underserved communities.

Join us in transforming Africa through data-driven innovation